Archive Documents

Videographe’s archives for the period 1968-1996 were donated to the Cinémathèque québécoise in 1998 and 2000. There are studies, administrative documents, reports, minutes and creation projects that represent over 15 linear meters of textual documents. The researchers can access those via the Médiathèque Guy-L.-Côté or the online collections of the Cinémathèque québécoise.

Many documents such as programmes, catalogues, releases and invitations are available for consultation at Artexte. Finally, the Bibliothèque and Archives nationales du Québec keeps some 80 original posters of productions and events by Videographe.

New documents will be added regularly.

Lettres patentes, Vidéographe Inc., 9 avril 1973.

Protocols between Videographe and the National Film Board of Canada, April 6, 1973.

Informations générales (production), 197?.

Lachapelle, Lise (coord.). Sélection vidéo = Video Selection, Montréal, Vidéographe, 1989, 88p.