Cai Glover

In an ever-going discovery and study of dance, Cai Glover has been training, performing and creating in the art form for 25 years. For the past 10 years Cai has worked as a dance interpreter for Cas Public and has been a part of 8 creations for the company. Most recently, Cai has been working as a choreographer as well, for Cas Public and for his own company, A Fichu Turning. Cai has had the great privilege, over the course of his career, of working with creators Helene Blackburn, John McFall, Simone Orlando, Lauri Stallings, Edgar Zendejas, Mathieu Murphy-Perron and many others. He never tires of the search in finding ways to affect audiences through this art form and to appeal to the varied and countless emotional experiences of the human being. As a hard of hearing artist, hearing differently has become a driving force of his artistry and originality as a mover, interpreter and choreographer.