Hodan Youssouf


Born in Somalia, Hodan Youssouf is deaf since birth. Her parents decided to send her and her hearing siblings to France, where they were received as refugees. In 1989, Youssouf and her siblings immigrated to Canada. She is active in Montreal's black deaf community. Today, she is an anti-oppression consultant in the artistic community. For the past 12 years, she has worked as a teacher's aide for Deaf students at Gadbois school. Quadrilingual, she is fluent in Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ), American Sign Language (ASL), English and French. Passionate about theater and acting, she has participated in various theater activities, including an ASL adaptation of Romeo and Juliet in Toronto. In addition, she has collaborated on numerous occasions with Cinéall, an organization that works on innovative and creative communication solutions between the Deaf and hearing worlds, notably on the production of short films including “Un homme fou s'aspire” and “Souviens-toi... un dortoir”.
