Martin L'Abbé


Martin L'Abbé studied visual arts at the Université de Montréal. His interests include directing and producing for television; filming theatre; the relationship between reality and fiction in television and video creation; incorporating video into theatre using screens on stage; transposing and adaptating theatre to television digital images and video. He has been active in the fields of visual arts, theatre, independent video and television for nearly 25 years and has created many works which join video and theatre (including Alain Fournier's interactive Faust in 1986). In addition to his personal photo and video productions, has directed and produced numerous TV programs (for the Montreal World Film Festival, Vidéotron, Télé Québec, Canal Savoir, the SRC and RDI). Taught video at Université de Montréal as well as for various public and private organizations. Teacher in UQÀM’s Communication Department since 1987, is in charge of the television section within which he chiefly teaches television creation and multicamera studio production.
