Robert Craig


Robert Craig was born near Toronto in 1958. Raised in the Ottawa suburb of Nepean he completed two degrees in Mass Communication at Carleton University in the early 1980s. Since then, he has lived and worked in Montreal as a magazine editor, writer, photographer and videomaker specializing in radical documentary. His video Overdale (1988) won the Special Commendation at the Canadian International Annual Film Festival in 1990. Two years later, he founded Demos Media, a non-profit organization dedicated to non-mainstream production and distribution. In 1994, he completed Mat, Emma & Louise, his first fictional narrative video, which was shot in England. He also scriptwrote Anna (1995) and worked on documentaries such as Bookchin Speaks (1990) and Districk 25 (1992).

See also: Fonds Robert Craig, Archives de Montréal
