Antoine Amnotte-Dupuis

Originally from Montréal, Antoine Amnotte-Dupuis is an independant photographer and videomaker who teaches cinema and 360° audiovisual recording at the Université de Montréal. He has collaborated on several films as director of photography (Effets du vent sur un petit arbre décoratif, 2014, Le Rêve d’Ida, 2017, Bientôt [Soon], 2019), made a number of experimental films (La fuite du monde, 2014, Agencements, 2016) and has been involved in various collaborations (Manta, Bascaille, Tom Jacques, Phth). He co-manages and is audiovisual designer at the Théâtre des Trompes and is founder and technical director at the Société régionale des musiques rares, an organization based in Rimouski that is dedicated to marginal musical practices.
