Betty S. Gabel


Betty S. Gabel was born on March 2nd 1975 in Schweinfurt, Germany. After her bac she studies from 1994-96 at the academy of advertising in Kassel. From 1997-2001 she worked as an Art Director in an advertising agency in Francfort. After a year of language studies and cultural trips (France, Scotland, England, Spain, India) she started in 2002 her studies in contemporary art at the Villa Arson in Nice/ France. Making her bachelor in art in 2005 she received a special mention for video in the DNAP (National Diploma of visual art). The video Stillstand in Bewegung was also shown in the group exhibition Mars aux Musées at the Villa Arson. Sandra also presented paintings at the galery Engel Elf in Cologne. Going to the Khm (multimedia-art school/Cologne) in 2006 she also exhibited in the international media festival re-act in Mannheim.
