Brigitte Nadeau


A student of both the political science department of the Université de Montréal and of the Foufounes Électriques, Brigitte Nadeau participated in Radio-Canada's La Course Europe-Asie in 1990-91, taking second place overall. She later returned to Burma and co-produced a documentary called Recherchées femmes karennes and a a series of photographs entitled Je crois aux tatouages tout-puissants. As an active member of Vidéographe, she has produced documentaries and two experimental videos. In 1990 she founded TOUTATOUE Productions, which specializes in independent documentaries. In 1998, she completed Les eaux mortes, an intimate documentary of her accursed hometown of Saint-Léon de Standon. She has just finished a documentary on the fables and legends of Québec called Diable! Le beau danseur as part of Télé-Québec's La culture dans tous ses états series. She is presently working on a concluding chapter to this same series on Québec culture entitled Héritage et perspectives d'avenir.
