Jennifer Alleyn


Jennifer Alleyn was born in Switzerland. After her studies in film production at Concordia University, she took part in the T.V. show La Course Destination monde in 1992, filming on her own, around the world, 26 short docs. When she came back, she worked as a journalist for Montreal daily Le Devoir (award Mireille Lanctôt, 1994) and collaborated for the T.V. show Le Point (SRC). She directed a part of Cosmos, winner at the Cannes film festival in 1997. Her documentaries The Rossy's and La vie imaginée de Jacques Monory have been broadcast in Canada and Europe. In 2005, She directed her first television series : Canadian Casefiles, shown on Global. In 2008, her first solo feature, My Father's Studio, won the Best Canadian Film award at the 26th Festival of Films on Art (FIFA).

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