Pascal Courchesne


After studies in physics and several years teaching in the prison milieu, Pascal Courchesne began a career as a film technician. He learned the trade basics by frequenting Quebec’s best directors of photography, such as Pierre Mignot, Pierre Gill, Guy Dufaut to name but these. He participated in several creative projects with Charlotte Laurier, with who he co-directed a documentary on young mothers in 1992, in 2003 he took part in the Capharnaüm production presented at the La Licorne theatre in Montreal, and in 2005 he was the visual designer and producer of Autopsie Femme, which was presented at the Society for Arts and Technology. In 2006, he co-directed, produced and was the DOP of the feature film métrage Les Plus beaux yeux du monde, selected at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma de Montréal in the autumn of 2007.
