Laura Criollo-Carrillo


Laura Criollo-Carrillo is a Colombian-Canadian multidisciplinary artist based in Montreal. Her artistic practice explores the capture and representation of intangible or imperceptible phenomena such as light and sound to reflect on the ephemeral and eternal nature of memory and existence. Her work arises from the contrast between the human desire to define the world and the impossibility of doing so, either due to one's own sensory limitations or because nature is indeterminate. Laura's works act as witnesses to the existence of physical phenomena inhabiting mythical realities imperceptible to our senses and aim to give this elusive reality a way of becoming eternal in time and space. Laura holds a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from the Javeriana University of Bogota, where she received honorable mention for her final dissertation entitled "Cuerpo expandido", and an individualized Master's degree in Arts, Creation and technology from the University of Montreal. Her installations, photographs and videos have been exhibited in several museums, galleries and festivals in Canada, Colombia, France, Argentina and Poland.
