Painting the Painting
This tape was made with the Montreal (Canada) action/abstract painter Graham Cantieni for a special event in honor of his retirement from the function of Professor of Visual Arts at the University of Quebec in Three Rivers where he taught since the '80s. With the help of a miniature surveillance camera, approximately the size of a lipstick, which was fastened to the hand of the artist while he painted, the video presents the point of view of the paint-brush during Cantieni's creative process. Brush stroke after brush stroke, the painting emerges in all its texture and physicality, abstract and palpable, to the minimal drone music of NY intermedia composer Phill Niblock which Cantieni invited to participate. Based on a collaborative concept by Liberovskaya, Niblock and Cantieni.
Technical information
«Katherine Liberovskaya a un ton et une présence qui la distinguent, et des préoccupations esthétiques actuelles qui, de plus, connaissent un rayonnement important. [...] Issue des arts visuels, Katherine Liberovskaya précise qu'elle fait maintenant de la peinture électronique. D'abord artiste de l'installation, au milieu des années 80 [...], on retrouve encore aujourd'hui dans ses oeuvres les mêmes assemblages, humoristiques à souhait, au sens composite toujours laissé à la discrétion du visiteur, ou du spectateur.»
CARRIÈRE, Daniel. «Les métaphores visuelles de Katherine Liberovskaya», Le Devoir, (mercredi 8 mai 1991), p. B-6.
Paint, Collaboration, Video, Music