A torrent of words, of tenderness, of violence, of sense, and nonsense. Exasperation in speech as it butts up against things and repeats in a million ways its submission to nature and life. Red night. Collapse of night as dreams topple to their own destruction. Ruin, as an inescapable as the impediments we place before ourselves, destiny which sweeps us away, and on which we have so little hold.
Technical information
See also: Débâcle en Beauce, Michèle Waquant, 1992
"[...] Michèle Waquant’s Débâcle [...] plunges us into the anguish and euphoria of the spring thaw. The attitude of Quebecers who live along its rivers, their constant murmurings about the thaw and their anxiety mixed with marvel at the potential for disaster bring to light not only the unpredictability of nature’s ways but also the contradiction between anguish and euphoria brought about by such uncertainty, feelings which also structure the debate today over the possible separation of Quebec”.
Ross, Christine, Dispersions identitaires : vidéogrammes récents du Québec / Identity dispersions : recent videos from Québec, Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, Toronto, 1994, 16 p.
River, Winter, Disaster, Flood, Anxiety, Concern