How To Make Love In An Earthquake

This video is comprised of seven postcard stories, each 100 words in length. Each story is performed by a different narrator to dislodge the "self apparent truth" created by a lone narrator. The stories posit a sudden event outside of the narrator's control. The stories occupy a place of conceptual synaesthesia whereby synchronicity is mistaken as causality, and intuition becomes a type of logic. Rather than a linear plot evolution, these stories work by accretion, proposing a belief in an irrational yet interconnected subjectivity.While the stories revolve around unpredictable and uncontrollable events, the video imagery explores everyday objects in their routine usage. Through camera perspective and colour effects, these mundane objects become defamiliarized. The split focus between audio and video is intended to keep the viewer destabilized. While the title and intertitles promise a narrative of mastery, the stories, video imagery, and audio create a world of holistic illogic.