Meditations, Volume 2: Things Remember
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Things Remember is part of an ongoing series of short, solo performance videos entitled Meditations. The works are all single channel videos with a solo performer that deal lyrically with the central themes of our practice such as the material nature of the body, the potential for collaboration between body and prop, sick alterities, the limits of self-care, and literature as a way of knowing. These texts often refer obliquely to our other works and frame prose as a material practice especially useful during times of illness.

In Things Remember, the protagonist, performed by dance-artist Allison Blakley, speaks of the limitations of chronic illness and how this can serve as a type of alterity as the observant eye reads in between the lines of body language, sound, and material traces. She posits that place serves as a palimpsest, on which actions are recorded and recorded through the displacement of things, as well as material and audio traces. This honing-in on traces serves to frame them as modes of artistic/cultural production that can serve as alternatives or ancillary to a more straight-forward studio practice.

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Quirion, Jean-Michel, "La douleur chantée et dansée de Chloë Lum et Yannick Desranleau", Vies des arts, no 259, été 2022

Chronic illness, alterity, body

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