This work is the conclusion of the trilogy Personal Observatory. The tape is structured visually with several sequences relating to peoples' rhythms of working, watching, waiting and playing. The city and the worked earth are seen as two recurring aspects of one theme. The soundtrack is made largely from sounds generated within the human body. From the pulsing of blood through the arteries to brain activity, it is often used as a counterpoint to the images. The inner and outer worlds can be seen as two points of reference in a personal perspective.
Technical information
Commentary by Nicole Gingras, Curator
Part three of the Personal Observatory trilogy. The question of time is once again broached by the videomakers, only this time with the added depth brought by corporeal experience : seeing, pleasure and pain, being cared for, rediscovering forgotten images, waiting, working, playing, observing. The artists always focus on very simple actions that cut straight to the realm of the essential.