Vive les animaux

During a trip to Montreal, French sociologist and ideologist Edgar Morin meets a group of Québécois intellectuals, some of whom are Patrick Straram, Gilles Groulx and Jean-Marc Piotte. During a discussion they question the criteria dominating our society. The themes discussed have all something to do with the "new proletariat", in particular ethnic groups, women and most of all, youth. The student movements, along with their resistance to social integration during the late 60's and early 70's are deemed by the intellectuals to be the new phenomenon of class struggle. The discussion is free and alcohol is circulated as the camera is passed from one person to another. During the discussion, the women become fed up with the intellectual verbalism and one of them screams, "Long Live the Animals. Woman is an animal tamed by man”.
Technical information
Fillion, Eric. "Vive les animaux et/ou Y’a du dehors dedans. Entretien avec Pierre Monat", Hors Champ, 4 janvier 2012.
Bernier, Léon; Perrault, Isabelle. "Pierre Monat" in L'artiste et l'œuvre à faire, coll. La pratique de l'art, Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, Québec, 1985, p. 427-456.
Discussion, Activism, Woman, Ethnicity, Youth