The Treasure Man

L'homme au trésor opens in a poetry class where we find the characters reading love poems. Deeply moved, one of the participants abruptly leaves. There begins almost immediately a series of inextricable stories which arise amongst the numerous protoganists. Declarations of love, break-ups, consolations, enigmatic gestures, heartbreaks and propositions follow each other. Couples form, others retort : "Things aren't working out!". In an air vaguely recalling a light French tune, we ask the question : How can we know if we really desire someone?
Technical information
"The Treasure Man, for its part, was made in 88 and, while it didn’t have a very large budget either, its photography and editing have undeniable qualities. This time, the two directors had the support of professional technicians who agreed to volunteer their services. One of them, Michel Grou, gave such good advice that his name was added as co-director. A little Almodóvar, a little Godard, and lots of Guilbert and Murphy. A blend of humour and poetry, sensuality and the absurd. A real fiction film this time. It all begins in a poetry class, with a student reading an erotic poem."
BARBE, Jean. «Le Garçon du fleuriste & L’Homme au trésor», Voir, 28 September to 4 October 1989.